Monday, August 18, 2008

Squash anyone?

This is my second year of "gardening" and I am finding that I quite like it! Just about everything I've tried so far seems to work pretty well. I'm pretty sure that it's not due to anything spectacular that I do. I just water daily. What I do need to work on is figuring out how many seeds/plants to plant. For example, last year, not knowing how zucchini and yellow squash would do, I had them growing a plenty!! This year, I'm not quite sure why I thought I would need 17 tomato plants?!?! But yes, they're all growing. Funny thing is that I'm not quite reaping red yet. Let me know if you are in need of any yellow squash (crooked neck, I think, is what it's called), cucumbers, eggplant (1st year for this one!), and possibly some cabbage and tomatoes in the near future.

Carrots (argh!!! I hate the formatting on this $*&! thing - I've tried a million times to add a freaken space to no avail)

Green Beans

Green Peppers...not doing so well

Green/Red/Yellow Peppers doing better - they're right next to each other...don't ask me why some are surviving and others are dying

Eggplant (let me know if you want one)

Just some of the crazy tomato plants - what a jungle

Cabbage (these should be nearly ready - let me know if you want one)

Yellow (aka Crooked Neck) Squash (let me know if you want some)

Cucumbers (let me know if you want some)


Kate said...

I'm so jealous. Every year I think, "I'm going to plant a garden!" And then a few months later, I think, "Next year I'm going to plant a garden!"

Congrats on your bounty!

Marissa said...

Our only spot for a garden has too much shade and turned into the kids play area.
Way to be a green thumb! I want some loot. I will take anything you want to give.

Wilde Lady said...

YES, I would like some yellow squash, peppers(any color) and some cucumbers please! You'd just have to ship them to me in a couple of days or they'll rot. I wish I could get a garden going, but I never know when we're going to stay in the same place longer than a year. I guess I could have had a chance at our last place,but then I can never keep my plants alive either. I envy your green thumb!

Lindsay K. said...

Good job! You must have a green thumb. I would love a garden, but I don't think I could get anything to grow.

lee and jo said...

ive seen it all now barry and britt percy thrower and alan titmarsh

Jen said...

That's awesome!! Wish I could take some of the squash off your hands...

Kristan Carter said...

You ROCK....I will know who to come to when I plant my own garden. I will take a cucumber sometime...I love them

The Edwards Family said...

Just another thing to look up to you about. Sure I'll take some left over tomatoes.

Becca Welch said...

I LOVE YOUR GARDEN.... don't worry I am learning, my garden just keep getting better every year. THanks for having me over that dish you made was To die for Darling. Love-Becca
ps I love the beatles music on your blog...

romanrobertaloftus said...

Keeping a green garden is hard work! Congrats! I'll take anything you have left over, especially the cucumbers and tomatoes (Caleb loves them).

Steve, Amy and Company said...

Oh, I wish we lived closer because I would LOVE some cucumbers. (I have a garden too but my cucs are not doing so well!) I'm jealous of your wonderful Utah growing season--my first garden was in Utah (if you remember coming over and having our Scrabble tourneys) and I've never had the same sort of bountious garden since we left Utah:( I love that you have 17 tomato plants--I have some great recipes for marianara sauce that you can freeze for the winter!